Sunday, March 9, 2014

Are you in SYNC with God’s Will?

We all want choices but given a choice at times its very difficult to decide… what is the parameter that we need to use to make the choice. The choices could be anything … give money to an acquaintance or to a supposedly stranded stranger, which course to opt for, which college to go to, to get married or not, to stay married or not … it could be anything.

Choices give us the responsibility and that’s when we wonder… is this the right choice? Over the years the parameter that I have worked for myself is that I gather the needed information (data points as I call them) and then I take a little time off and meditate on the issue. I ask myself… what is feeling right? What is it that gives me the feeling of peace and I take that as the will of God. Not denying the fact that I pray to God, that help me make the right decision (what is right as per his parameters) at every moment. 

There have been some choices which may not seem logical given the data points, but in spite of that it has always worked for me. On the other hand whenever I have ignored my feeling to go with logic, it has not worked very well J

What do you do when faced with a tough choice?

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