Sunday, March 16, 2014

Being Centered

I was having a discussion with a friend, when she commented that I keep hearing that stay centered, but no one explains what it means to be centered; how do you define this state?

I told her that I have no idea what others mean, but for me being centered means being authentic and being in the moment.

By being authentic, I mean being the true me- devoid of any influences caused by social conditioning or expectations of others. Being in the moment- so that I do not have any baggage from earlier experiences and neither do I have anxiety and fear about the future.

How do you define “being centered”?

Seven Year Cycle!

I remember reading it long time back, that there was a place where the ritual was hat every seven years, people would go and drown all of their belongings in the river near the city. Honestly, I cannot remember where I read it and what was the context in which it was written or whether it is true or fiction, but this aspect that people used to throw everything every seven years has just occupied my inner space and stayed with me.

I wonder if we had this kind of arrangement, wouldn't all of us stop hoarding unnecessarily? As it is said that there is enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed, it would make all of us more sharing in nature. When people know that they will have to throw away everything, possibly it will be easier for them to share with others. People may have more fulfilling lives as they will not keep earning unnecessarily … I feel most of us keep earning as if we are the only one who needs to take care of the next ten generations. We forget that if we can earn our living, then so can our next generations. People would be able to utilize money the way it should be- on their individual passions and greater good of the society.

It would be a better world… but again I feel that tinge which tells me that we humans will still continue the same way. Think about it, it may not be seven years, but isn't it that whatever material assets we earn, we leave with this lifetime and we are still not realizing that.

Do you see any hope, or you think, all would have still stayed the same..

Karma Account or Probability

The other day I was having a discussion with a senior retired teacher and karma theory came up in discussion. He was of the view that maybe we need look at probability and not karma theory to find answers to different circumstances of people in the world. In a single sentence, probability assigns likelihood of a certain event to happen.

My basic disconnect with this theory is that to use this we will have to assign probability ratios to each set of circumstances … now on what basis can you assign these probabilities?

Any thoughts…

Free Will Vs Destiny

A very common question keeps coming up in discussions – “ DO we have free will or is it all destiny?”
In my view or understanding, destiny gives us certain situation and what we do in those circumstances is our free will.

Let’s take an example wherein two people lose their legs in a very tragic accident… one person gets into the victim mode, wallows in self- pity, curses destiny, higher power, stays depressed and turns into a center of negativity. The other person feels as horrible, but finally accepts that this is what life has offered and I have to make the best out of what I have. He starts working on researching and finding the best possible prosthetic limb, get’s into rigorous physiotherapy, finds the companies where he can be properly employed and leads as normal a life as possible.

Now some people who believe in destiny alone, will argue that it was the destiny of one to be unhappy and the destiny of the other to be able to overcome these circumstances. Though, my view is that how you react to a situation is guided by free will. There can be couples who are unable to have a child and become a emotional wreck, whereas some others may adopt, get involved with well-being of kids through institutions, get a pet, or take it as an opportunity to travel the world.

I do not know astrology, but I have been told by someone that even in astrology, every human has a house of free will. In case of people where it is very strong, predictions will become very difficult to make. This happens as no one can predict how such people will act given a particular situation.

One caveat though – I definitely feel that one should seek the grace of the higher power to ensure that we use our free will in such a way that we are led in the right direction.

Other views pl.

One Noise to Drown Another

The other day, there was a heated political debate on a TV channel and I was in the other room- to own up, I have lost all interest in politics L. Anyway, the fact is that though I was in the other room, still the noise was very unbearable. To avoid listening to that noise, I switched on some music – not for the first time that I had done it, but it triggered a thought …

“I am drowning one noise with another”.

It is true that I have more pleasant sound around me (Its pleasant so it is sound, else it becomes noiseJ), but has the unpleasant sound disappeared… NO. Have I really not added to noise levels … YES.
Aren’t we doing this in our lives too? We are discontent with a certain aspect and we start making up for that lack in another aspect. My belief is that all of us simply want love and peace, and we keep working to achieve the same.

Whenever there is something that disturbs our peace and love, we start looking at achieving money, power, place of honor – basically these are again tools to get love. I have no issues with these external acts, but at the same time, don’t we need to address the core issue.

My first thoughts on this is that we need to first accept things the way they are in that moment. If there was a sound which was not to my liking, probably, if I accept it as it is, if I focus on it from aspect of love, then I would have been able to accept it and maybe learnt something as well.

Well, I guess what I am trying to say is that we are not addressing main issues and simply cover them with something else. And a possible way out I see is that we need to accept things as they are – no I am not saying that we resign to the situation, but accept it, and keep our energies free to tackle the situation in the best possible way, so as not to add further to disagreeable situation. In a very simple way, we need to stay aware as to what we are doing!

Any thoughts…

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Are you in SYNC with God’s Will?

We all want choices but given a choice at times its very difficult to decide… what is the parameter that we need to use to make the choice. The choices could be anything … give money to an acquaintance or to a supposedly stranded stranger, which course to opt for, which college to go to, to get married or not, to stay married or not … it could be anything.

Choices give us the responsibility and that’s when we wonder… is this the right choice? Over the years the parameter that I have worked for myself is that I gather the needed information (data points as I call them) and then I take a little time off and meditate on the issue. I ask myself… what is feeling right? What is it that gives me the feeling of peace and I take that as the will of God. Not denying the fact that I pray to God, that help me make the right decision (what is right as per his parameters) at every moment. 

There have been some choices which may not seem logical given the data points, but in spite of that it has always worked for me. On the other hand whenever I have ignored my feeling to go with logic, it has not worked very well J

What do you do when faced with a tough choice?

Relationships across Time and Space

The higher power has been extremely kind to me and at every stage of life, I have always been blessed with the company of very nice human beings. I have moved to different places and landed without knowing anyone there, but still have managed to find very good people.

But there is another typical situation, all the relationships transform… they are always dear and close to heart and we connect at the same level of authenticity but they are not a permanent part of my daily life.

I wonder if this is an output of living in the moment and taking life as it comes.

Any thoughts…?

Discipline Vs Spontaneity

Wonder what is more important?

Discipline brings about output in a more consistent manner. There is a thought that 10,000 hours of consistent practice, makes the person an expert. To accomplish that you need discipline.

Then the question comes about the role of spontaneity. It may be more authentic and original but discipline may be far from it.

What do you feel… what’s more important? Discipline or spontaneity? Or has anyone consistently disciplined self to be spontaneous.

PL share.

A lot of People Love Negativity

With the grace of the Supreme power, I am usually a very positive person, but I also feel that a lot of individuals act very negative. If you are discussing and being positive despite the challenges you may be facing, they will try to sneak in the pessimism in a very subtle way … don’t know even if they realize it. It could be given as a compliment – “Nice that you are being positive else most of the people will feel that they are really unlucky in such situations.” Seriously, I think it’s a very subtle way to sneak in the negativity.

Now to delve further into why people would do it … well one possible reason I feel is that when a person is feeling low, you can start giving them positivity gyan and justify your own existence. What will you do to a person which is being positive- that person in some way makes you more aware of your weaknesses.

Any thoughts…?

A beautiful Journey

God you filled me with love
A carefree soul I was …
… a person who said love is nonsense
… a play of hormones

But you had a beautiful lesson planned
You filled me with love
A love which was to be unrequited
… and that was the beauty

I lost myself… I was willing to merge
I was willing to annihilate my identity…

And then I realized what love is
What one point centeredness comes with love
You see your love everywhere

It opened the doors to loving the Supreme
Wow… I must thank you… a beautiful lesson and a lovely journey
It brings me where I am today

I love you oh Supreme!!!

Being Spiritual in the Corporate World

I feel that whenever there is an institution or organization, the hierarchies come into play… even if they are spiritual focus organizations. My understanding is that even in those organizations, there starts a one upmanship about who is closer to the guru and who has more access. That’s one reason that as of today, I don’t think that I can ever be a part of such organization … I can love them, be devoted to them, support in whatever capacity possible, but cannot be part of organization. (Pl note this is as of today, I have also learnt that “The Power” makes you do stuff which you say that you will not do … so lets see J)
Anyway, so given this kind of thought process, think about how tough it would be to be part of a normal corporate setup with all its power play, politics and schmoozing. My definition of spirituality tells me that I should make sure that I give 100% to every moment I spend at work and do my work with utmost honesty, sincerity, integrity, passion and intelligence and not worry about the kudos or criticism.
My question is that how do you deal with the corporate world … your boss will push you down as he knows that you do not worry about getting kudos, your team will push you to get more than what they deserve, your colleagues will offload their share of work to you and still walk away with kudos … what is to be done?
The spiritual solution I feel lies in doing your bit as you are doing but also stay firm and not let people walkover you.

Are there any other suggestions… PL share. Would really appreciate the inputs

Remembering your End

A few years back, I was having a discussion with a friend and he said … “What is life, but a preparation to die”. I did not agree with him saying that life is to be lived happily and fully and is not a preparation to die.
Some time back, I was talking to someone, and listened to her as se vented her complaints about her relatives … and suddenly in the midst of that interaction, it occurred to me that if this woman became aware of the fact that we are all going to die and that moment could be any moment, probably she will not hold grudges against others. Pl note, I am not saying that what she was saying was wrong, but when you suddenly remember that everyone is there temporarily, it becomes very difficult to hold a grudge. Taking the same thought forward, if everyone at all moments could remember this fact of our temporary existence, I feel we would not indulge in all the human drama that we normally do. It would be a more peaceful and harmonious existence.
… and then suddeny I was reminded of the conversation with my friend from years back. I don’t know if he meant it in this way, but yes, if we were to take life as a preparation for death, then possibly we would be able to remember this natural fact better in every moment and end up being better people. I am not saying being fearful about it … it is a certainty, so why fear… trees shed their leaves, … death for those leaves but get fresh ones. It’s a natural cycle. But remembering this or preparing may make this world a better place.

Funny, how life teaches you different perspectives at different times.

What is your One Wish?

I remember reading a story as a child where a poor person had blind parents and a wife who was unable to become a mother. Stressed by his situations, he sat and prayed to the Almighty to show up and help him. He prayed with all his being and “The Power” appeared and said that I offer you one wish. He was confused and asked for a day to decide. He went and told his family and everyone wanted their own wish to be asked for- parents wanted sight, wife wanted son and he himself wanted to ask for money.
He was confused and then J he found a solution – he told “The Power” that his wish is that his parents should see his son drinking milk from glass made of gold. “The Power” laughed hard because using his intelligence he had actually managed to get all that he wanted.
This story had got me thinking … If I were to ever meet the supreme or otherwise being given “One Wish”, then what would that be. Will it be money, power, health, happiness… and my answer to this is that I would ask for PEACE. When I am peaceful, the external surroundings being conducive or not will not matter.
So, PEACE it is for me.

What is your one wish? PL share.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Surrender

I keep saying that I have surrendered now and am fine with what is in every moment … and no, it is not that I am being negative or depressed. I consider myself extremely lucky in terms of the higher power having bestowed me with reasonable intelligence education, family, friends etc. As anyone else, I have tried to plan some stuff in my life (fortunately, I never planned too many, but yes tried a few J) and I have fallen flat on my face every time J . So, you may say if you have fallen flat on your face every time, then why is the smile there… well let me explain.
I tried and failed … it could be a simple thing like, which city I wanted to be in… it never happened. And then, I said, let’s step back and see my current situation… am I OK? and YES, the answer was a resounding YES. What was I doing, I was using all the energy that the higher power has bestowed on me to struggle and change what is… and it wasn’t that it was a bad situation. It may not have been what I planned, but I am ok with it. So, I analyzed and realized that it was a combination:
1.       I was not in the moment… struggling in this moment to create a different moment at a later stage
2.       I was not having faith in the higher power that I am being given what I need at this moment
3.       Most people feel that as a human being it is your duty to try and plan, try and change what is not to your liking… I was prey of that concept
I changed to the below:
1.       Stay in the moment … is there any problem with this moment- usually there is none, then pl make the best out of it. When you make the best of every moment, at times, you will find yourself in much better situation as the energy being used in positive way
2.       Whatever is happening is the best possible situation for my growth and depleting the karma account
3.       As a human being, I will make the best of every moment without trying to change it. It does not mean that I will not act, but I will not struggle for the result (suddenly gita gyan started making a lot of sense J)

Think about it … when a seed is put in ground and the farmer puts all the soil on it… the seed may think that what’s happening to me? I have been put under so much pressure and burden, but it is needed for the seed to sprout and start another journey.

We also go through tough situations (karmic) and feel burdened, but instead of struggling, let’s make peace with the fact and wait when we will bloom.