Thursday, November 10, 2011

Gratitude To The Receiver

On this site and elsewhere also, we keep coming across a lot of blogs which encourage us all to give- give help, give support, give material goods, give food, give love… and so on.

What I feel gets missed out is the importance of the receiver. The receiver is as important as the giver. Would like to share my personal experience… I like to feed birds and dogs. Now, when it comes to birds, I have always had the feeling that, wherever you put the bird feed, the birds would invariably, be able to detect them and eat. A couple of months back I relocated to a new place and I have had a hard time finding the place where the birds come and feed. I tried various parks, walls, parapets etc and at each of the place the next day would show me uneaten grains… and every morning when I saw the unaccepted offering, I felt unhappy. Finally, I found a place, where the birds started coming and eating, but this experience very clearly highlighted to me the importance of the receiver.

Think, what if there was no one to receive whatever you wish to share …

That’s why I say, Be grateful to the circumstances which have given to you the opportunity to be a giver AND show gratitude to the receiver


  1. I agree with you totally. Feeding birds can be a great and satisfying exercise.
    There was crow, completely black. He used to come and sit at our kitchen window. My wife used to feed him every day. This went on for many years. Then it so happened thast the croe stopped coming. We all were sort of worried. We thought he had died.
    Then after a couple of years, he again started coming back. We recognised him as he had a twisted beak. You can't believe that we had a celebration in our home as if some long lost family member had returned.
    We changed the house 3 years back. But we miss out twisted beak crow till date.

  2. :) i can relate to it. In my previous house there was a pair of pigeon who treated the house as their own... :)

  3. Really great realization...How true.
