Wednesday, September 23, 2009

What are we looking for?

I wonder, what is it that we are looking for? We run after accumulating material things, but I get this uncanny feeling, that we do that to keep ourselves occupied... to keep ourselves away from facing the real issue. I go through phases, wherein, I get completely restless... its not that there is anything missing, but at the same time, something inside says, "you are not complete"... and what do I do to handle that situation... I go ahead and get myself so busy with work, so that I do not get time and the energy to think ... I go and take on liabilities, so that I do not chuck away my job and the regulated life and try something more unconventional... but is it right... NO, I KNOW, it is not right...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

n=1 theory

Over the weekend, it suddenly stuck me that while all of us are talking about C K Prahlad and his theory of n=1, we may not even realize, who is the biggest implementer of this theory.

I remember, as a child, when I had to draw something, my mom said, that with nature, you could draw anything, as all is prevalent and nothing is wrong. So to say, all is unique and acceptable.

As a human being, we are again biggest example of n=1, for each one of us is unique and there are no two people who respond to a particular situation in the same way. The feeling of restlessness in humans maybe coming from the fact that we are trying to fit ourselves into a template, not realizing that the nature which brought us into existence made us unique, so what works for one, what exhilarates one, what pains one, what gives pleasure to one is not the same for the rest. The challenge is to accept this uniqueness which exists in us and so in everyone else, and having accepted n=1 as a reality, go the way of R=G - and find solutions globally ... that which works for us, whichever part of the world we may be living in. In human context, it may mean breaking away from the social conditioning.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What is love?

What is love?

Love is bliss, but then you keep hearing that there can be no love without pain. But it is also said that when you love so much that it hurts to the maximum, and if you can still love post that then it hurts no more,… then what you got is pure love.
There is no need to own or possess; there is no need for a certain standard definition of love to be met. You are happy in the knowledge that you can love.

We keep saying, no one loves us completely, but then are we capable of loving completely… and I would go to the extent of saying that majority of us do not have the capability to accept true love. If you have been lucky enough to have been loved with total acceptance, you invariably question that love… you try to find the agenda behind that love. If you cannot imagine any agenda at that time, you simply think, that there is something which will surface up one day. The problem of this doubt is that it gets reflected in your behavior, the person giving love, continues, but our negative thoughts hamper the flow of loving energy.

Now, this is the situation, when we are receiving love, now wonder, how tough it is for us to love someone truly. For us love becomes possessing someone; it is having the person behave in a certain way; it is the person reciprocating our love in the way we want. The moment there is a deviation, we withdraw our love… it is all conditional. We love our child, because he behaves the way we think is proper, will do anything that I want done, will speak to the people I want him to, not have relationship with people who I do not like, …. The same child goes and does something which goes against my wishes and that is the end of any love that I feel for this child.

Love is acceptance of as is. How many of us have it in us to be able to do that.

… Why am I even writing this, for people who understand this, do not need it and the rest will not understand it in any case. Of the people who understand also, very few can go and actually live this.

I am happy that I accept myself and every single person around me for what they are. I have a right to make a choice, as to how much interaction I will have with whom, but I accept them as is.

I thank the universal source for giving me this acceptance.


There is a friend who heard the piece above and had strong views on the example of parent and child given. First of all, I think, we all have a different view and thats what is reqd as well to bring in different perspectives. At the same time, none of what is written is a rule. It is simply a statement on certain probable situations. The main reason for taking that example was because parent-child is known to be the most unconditional love and still a lot of times, it does not hold true.

The main thing I want to convey in the piece above is that love is acceptance of as is.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Every child born into a family gets cast into a set of expectations. The expectations and aspirations are not of this human soul, but those of the family. Try living on your terms which do not coincide with those of the family and they will think that you are a complete loser.

The fact that you are happy simply living on your terms is not acceptable to them. Accepting that would mean that there can be a set of living which is different from their beliefs … but humans, sorry I will simply call them people (as I feel they are not being humane), are too egoist to accept that.

If you decide to live out of the social ties and are happy, they will simply keep telling you that you have no idea, and are being naïve; that you will realize it later … you are on your death bed, and they will again say, you will realize it later … someone, please ask them …. How late!!!

It is like you are swimming in sea and they are telling you, that you are supposed to swim only in a pool and turn back after a finite length. You do not simply keep going on with the flow. The concept is not there for them. Your journey into unknown is scary to them … they want to keep you in the territory which they know well. At least, they can boast knowledge about that, for they have been there always, not exploring new grounds.

Ah, the folly of my fellow beings!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


When you look up at the sky, you realize that this is like a sheet over you … it covers everyone in its embrace. Its our skin holding us together. It means that all of us in this world – all humans, animals, birds, trees, mountains, rivers, seas are like various organs of the same body. Do we differentiate between our various organs... no, then why do we differentiate amongst ourselves. We are all connected, so there is no point in feeling unique. At the same time it should help us feel the joy, pain, daily tribulations of everyone with more compassion.